Community Resources


Duke Energy (Electric Company)

City of Raleigh (Water, Sewer, Trash)

AT&T & Spectrum (TV, Phone, and Internet)

Post Office – 2100 Lake Dam Road

Dominion Energy (Natural Gas)

ACE Towing – (919) 821-2121


Property Management Company – Sentry Management

Michael Corrales

3109 Poplarwood Ct, Ste 310

Raleigh, NC 27604-1025

(919) 790-8000 Ext. 52524



Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes are located in the secure CommunityPro Portal hosted by Sentry Management

  1. Log into the CommunityPro Portal using the link above
  2. Select Information Center from the left side menu
  3. Choose “Association Records” for the Cabinet
    1. Select “Community Information” for the Drawer
    2. Select “Meeting Minutes” for the Folder
    3. Finally, click “Search/Open


Community Projects


Status:  Installation Complete

All of the free-standing mailbox units are going to be replaced due to old age, wear and tear, and some that fail to lock.

Tree Trimming

Status:  Complete

Due to the mature age of the community several trees in the community areas will need trimming.

Erosion Control

Status:  2nd Phase currently under design review with the city.

In partnership with the City of Raleigh has agreed to pay for half of the total cost to prevent further erosion from the near by creek.


Status:  Done!

Repaving of streets and parking spaces.  Due to the age of the existing asphalt all roads, parking lots, and parking spaces will be completely repaved.